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Mini Spring Rolls


¼ kl shelled shrimps
½ cup bamboo shoots
¼ kl ground pork
4 green onions, minced
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp salt
Tsp sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
Shao mai or molo wrappers
2 sheets nori seaweed, cut into 60 thin strips
Cooking oil for deep-frying


Clean the shrimps in salt water, and chop finely.

Cut the bamboo shoots into ½ inch-length then slice into julienne pieces.

Combine the shrimp, bamboo shoots, ground pork, green onions and half of the beaten egg.

Combine the cornstarch, salt, sugar and pepper.

Put the cornstarch mixture into the shrimp mixture.

Place a teaspoon of the filling in the center of the shao mai or molo wrapper and roll up. Use a mixture of the remaining beaten egg and cornstarch as adhesive.

Wrap nori around the middle of spring rolls. Deep-fry.


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