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Cooking Techniques 2

Another technique which is essential to know is BROILING. I usually confuse broiling with grilling. Mind you guys, these two are two different ways to prepare food.

Like grilling, broiling also use radiant heat to cook food. It is the best alternative to grilling. The only difference between the two is the location of the heat source. In grilling, the heat is coming from below up to the grill. Broiling, on the other hand, has heat source above the food.

Ovens could be used in broiling since they have heat sources on top as well as on the bottom. Other heat sources could be burners or electric coils. To fully utilize the heat, you have to preheat your oven, then adjust the rack to set the food closer to the heat source and you should keep the oven door open to prevent the  heat source from shutting down upon reaching a certain temperature.

Broiling is used in dishes that needs a golden brown or slightly toasted top such as brulees and some dishes with cheese.


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